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Upgrade PMM Server using Docker

Before you begin


  1. Create a backup before upgrading, as downgrades are not possible. Therefore, reverting to a previous version requires an backup made prior to the upgrade.

  2. Verify your current PMM version: Check your current PMM version by navigating to PMM Configuration > Updates or by running the following command. If accessing remotely, replace localhost with the appropriate IP address or server name:

    sh docker exec -it pmm-server curl -ku admin:admin https://localhost/v1/version

Upgrade steps


  1. Stop the current container:
docker stop pmm-server
  1. Back up your data.

  2. Pull the latest image:

docker pull percona/pmm-server:3
  1. Rename the original container:
docker rename pmm-server pmm-server-old
  1. Run the new container:
docker run \
--detach \
--restart always \
--publish 443:8443 \
--volumes-from pmm-data \
--name pmm-server \
  1. After upgrading, verify that PMM Server is running correctly and all your data is accessible.

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