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Isolated hosts

If the host where you will run PMM Server has no internet connection, you can download the Docker image on a separate (internet-connected) host and securely copy it.

  1. On an internet-connected host, download the Docker image and its checksum file.

    wget Beta/docker/pmm-server-3.0.0 Beta.docker
    wget Beta/docker/pmm-server-3.0.0 Beta.sha256sum
  2. Copy both files to where you will run PMM Server.

  3. Open a terminal on the PMM Server host.

  4. (Optional) Check the Docker image file integrity.

    shasum -ca 256 pmm-server-3.0.0 Beta.sha256sum
  5. Load the image.

    docker load -i pmm-server-3.0.0 Beta.docker
  6. Run the container as if your image is already pulled using your desired method for a storage volume (you can step over any docker pull commands as the image has been pre-staged).

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