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Restore Helm chart

The version of the PMM Server should be greater than or equal to the version in a snapshot. To restore from the snapshot, delete the old deployment first:

helm uninstall pmm

And then use snapshot configuration to start the PMM Server again with the correct version and correct storage configuration:

helm install pmm \
--set image.tag="2.34.0" \
--set"pmm-storage-old" \
--set"before-v2.34.0-upgrade" \
--set storage.dataSource.kind="VolumeSnapshot" \
--set storage.dataSource.apiGroup="" \
--set secret.create=false \
--set \

Here, we created a new pmm-storage-old PVC with data from the snapshot. So, there are a couple of PV and PVCs available in a cluster.

$ kubectl get pvc
NAME                    STATUS   VOLUME                                     CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS      AGE
pmm-storage-old-pmm-0   Bound    pvc-70e5d2eb-570f-4087-9515-edf2f051666d   10Gi       RWO            csi-hostpath-sc   3s
pmm-storage-pmm-0       Bound    pvc-9dbd9160-e4c5-47a7-bd90-bff36fc1463e   10Gi       RWO            csi-hostpath-sc   89m

$ kubectl get pv
NAME                                       CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   RECLAIM POLICY   STATUS   CLAIM                           STORAGECLASS      REASON   AGE
pvc-70e5d2eb-570f-4087-9515-edf2f051666d   10Gi       RWO            Delete           Bound    default/pmm-storage-old-pmm-0   csi-hostpath-sc            4m50s
pvc-9dbd9160-e4c5-47a7-bd90-bff36fc1463e   10Gi       RWO            Delete           Bound    default/pmm-storage-pmm-0       csi-hostpath-sc            93m

Delete unneeded PVC when you are sure you don’t need them.

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