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VMware - Import OVA file

To import downloaded file from UI:

  1. Select FileImport.
  2. Click Choose file….
  3. Navigate to the downloaded .ova file and select it.
  4. Click Open.
  5. Click Continue.
  6. In the Save as dialog:

    • (Optional) Change the directory or file name.
    • Click Save.
  7. Choose one of:

    • (Optional) Click Finish. This starts the virtual machine.
    • (Recommended) Click Customize Settings. This opens the VM’s settings page without starting the machine.

To import downloaded file from the CLI:

  1. Install ovftool. (You need to register.)
  2. Import and convert the OVA file. (ovftool can’t change CPU or memory settings during import but it can set the default interface.)

    Choose one of:

    • Download and import the OVA file.

      ovftool --name="PMM Server" --net:NAT=Wi-Fi \ Beta/ova/pmm-server-3.0.0 Beta.ova \
      pmm-server-3.0.0 Beta.vmx
    • Import an already-downloaded OVA file.

      ovftool --name="PMM Server" --net:NAT=WiFi \
      pmm-server-3.0.0 Beta.ova \

Reconfigure interface


When using the command line, the interface is remapped during import.

Reconfigure with UI

To reconfigure the interface with the UI:

  1. If started, shut down the virtual machine.
  2. In the VMware main window, select the imported virtual machine.
  3. Click Virtual MachineSettings….
  4. Click Network Adapter.
  5. In the Bridged Networking section, select Autodetect.
  6. Close the settings window.

Start guest and get IP address from UI

To start the guest and get the IP address from the UI:

  1. In the VMware main window, select the imported virtual machine.
  2. Click the play button or select Virtual MachineStart Up.
  3. When the instance has been booted, note the IP address in the guest console.

Start guest and get IP address from CLI

To start the guest and get the IP address from the CLI:

  1. Start the virtual machine in GUI mode. (There’s no way to redirect a VMware VM’s console to the host.)

    vmrun -gu root -gp percona start \
    pmm-server.vmx gui
  2. When the instance has been booted, note the IP address in the guest console.

  3. (Optional) Stop and restart the instance in headless mode.

    vmrun stop pmm-server.vmx
    vmrun -gu root -gp percona start \
    pmm-server.vmx nogui

[OVA]:⅔.0.0 Beta/ova

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