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Install PMM Server on the virtual machine

How to run PMM Server as a virtual machine.

  • Download and verify the latest OVF file.
  • Import it.
  • Reconfigure network.
  • Start the VM and get IP.
  • Log into PMM UI.
  • (Optional) Change VM root password.
  • (Optional) Set up SSH.
  • (Optional) Set up static IP.

Most steps can be done with either a user interface or on the command line, but some steps can only be done in one or the other. Sections are labelled UI for user interface or CLI for command line instructions.


  • Host is the desktop or server machine running the hypervisor.
  • Hypervisor is software (e.g. VirtualBox, VMware) that runs the guest OS as a virtual machine.
  • Guest is the CentOS virtual machine that runs PMM Server.

OVA file details

Item Value
Download page Beta/ova
File name pmm-server-3.0.0 Beta.ova
VM name PMM2-Server-2024-09-12-N (N=build number)

VM specifications

Component Value
OS Oracle Linux 9.3
Base memory 4096 MB
Disks LVM, 2 physical volumes
Disk 1 (sda) VMDK (SCSI, 40 GB)
Disk 2 (sdb) VMDK (SCSI, 400 GB)


Default Username Default password
root percona
admin admin

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